Greenham Catalogue - Edition 23
WHAT IS PULSAR LIFE? ® PULSAR’s mission is to make all areas within the business as sustainable as possible as the only future is a sustainable future. To achieve this PULSAR have created their fi rst ever sustainable clothing called PULSAR Life, with a strong in flu e nce to #begreenbeseen in all core aspects of the business
The Global Recycled Standard (GRS) is a voluntary product standard for tracking and verifying the content of recycled materials in a final product. All PULSAR Life garments incorporate GRS accredited fabrics ensuring responsible sourcing and production throughout the PULSAR Life collection
PULSAR only use BCI Cotton (Better Cotton Initiative) in their goods which is the largest cotton sustainability programme in the world, ensuring a sustainable future for all. This is aligned with the United Nations SDG 12
The United Nations have set out 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). PULSAR are working towards as many as possible to reduce their impact on the environment with a main focus being on Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12) The PULSAR Life collection uses various sustainable materials including, recycled polyester from plastic bottles or post consumer waste and BCI cotton. All PULSAR garments are packaged in 100% recycled plastic bags
The PULSAR Life collection was designed and developed to create durable products which is only possible through responsible production. A great example of this, is the Life Polo Shirts which are certified to 50x washes, to try and reduce the number of garments being manufactured. This is 10x the industry requirement Sustainable production also includes limiting waste, rubbish and emissions. With this in mind, PULSAR have and will continue to offset 100% of their logistic carbon missions for all goods arriving into the UK from overseas
Reduce. Recycle. Reuse.
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