Greenham Catalogue - Edition 24
Plugs, Drain
558 559 511 349
N Nail Brush
R Radio Communication Sets
Plungers, Drain Pocket Tapes Polishes, Cleaning
327 502 535 564 577 500 458 546
297 543 362
Polishes, Floor
Polo Shirts, Workwear 78, 87, 89-90 Polo Shirts, High-Visibility 19, 32, 40-41, 46, 56-58 Polyco ® Gloves 120, 122-125, 132, 134-135, 140-141, 147 Post, Security 463 Post, Verge 473 Pot Hole Repair 478 Powered Air Systems 225-230 Powder-Free Gloves 143-144, 147-148 Prescription Eyewear 246-247 Pressure Washer 366 Priory Spanners 504 Pristine ® Air Care, Fresheners 329 Bulk Fill Soaps 322 Cartridge Soap Systems 323 Centrefeed Roll Wipers 410 Hand Sanitisers 319 Liquid Soaps 326-327 Paper Hand Towels 311 Skin Care 396 Toilet Tissue 316, 318 Probe Wipes 365 ProGarm ® Electric Arc Clothing 53-58 Pruning Shears 489 PTFE Tape 513 ProMan ® Safety Footwear 168-169, 172, 183, 185, 191, 194 PULSAR ® High-Visibility Clothing 30-35, 50-52 Multi-Risk Clothing 48-51 PULSAR ® Life Sustainable Clothing - Mens 30-32 Puma Safety Trainers 173 Puncture Resistant Gloves 141 Punner 478 PVA Adhesive 524 Q QMP Canteen Furniture 540-541 Chemical Cupboards 602-603 Lockers 608-609 Q-Signs 466-467 Quazar Traffic Control 468-469
Needle Containers, Sharps
Rail Industry Clothing 18-25, 27-35, 37-44, 46-47, 50-53, 55, 58, 61 Rainwear 23, 29, 30, 33-35, 37-38, 45, 50, 52-53, 58-60, 96-97 Rakes, Asphalt/Tarmac 478 Rakes, Gardening 488-489, 491-492 Ranging Poles 521 Rechargeable Batteries 589 Refuse Sacks 416, 420, 422-433 Regatta Jackets 84-86 Sustainable Clothing 85 Respirators 210-224 Reliance Medical Biohazard Kits 564 BS8599-1:2019 First Aid Kits 560-564 Defibrillators 569 Evacuation Equipment 568 Eye Wash Kits 567 HSE First Aid Kits 565 Spectra First Aid Kits 561 Respiratory Protection 207-232 Rinse Aid, Dishwashing 352-355 RIS-3279-TOM High-Visibility Rail Clothing 18-25, 27-35, 37-44, 46-47, 50-53, 55, 58, 61 Road Traffic Cones 458-459 Road Lamp Batteries 465 Road Lamps 464-465 Road Lining/Marking 476 Road Measuring Wheel 474 Road Line Pins 454 Road Sign Frames 466-470 Road Signs 466-473 Rock Fall ® Footwear Accessories 205 Safety Footwear 155-163,167, 169, 173, 176-178, 180, 189-190, 196-197, 199, 202-203 Rock Salt 479 Rods, Drain 559 Rope 551 Rucksacks 47 Rules 510-511 S Sack Trucks 496 Safety Eyewear 233-260 Safety Footwear 151-205 Safety Goggles 254-259 Safety Harnesses 298-303 Safety Helmets 261-281 Safety Jackets 21-24, 30-33, 37, 39, 44-45, 53, 58, 60
Portable Site Lights
Nippers, End Cutting Nitrile Disposable Gloves
No Waiting Cones
Non-Woven Geotextiles
O Oakland Plastics Barrier Systems
451 453 570 570 530 351
Goal Post Systems Oakpoint Stands Wash Point, Mobile
Odour Neutralisers Oil, Penetrating
330, 375
Oven Cleaner
Overalls, Disposable Overalls, Waterproof Overshoes, Disposable Oversleeves, Cut Resistant Oversleeves, Food Industry
66-67, 70-71
96-97 71, 76
Oxford Plastics Barriers
Boards & Ramps Traffic Cones Trench Covers
459 460
P Packaging Tape
Paint Brushes Paint Roller
524 525 475 475 512 416 454 530 555 513 454 500 553 435 566 454 480 520 520
Paint, Line Marking Paint, Spot Marking
Pallet Wrap
Paper Hand Towels
Pedal Bins
Pendant Barrier Marker
Penetrating Oils
Petrol Cans
Petroleum Tape
Pick Axe
Pins, Fencing Pipe Wrench Plan Storage Plant Nappy ® Plasters, First Aid Plastic Fencing Plastic Shovels Spill Protection
Platform Step Ladders
Platform, Work
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