Greenham Sustainability Report 2022
Professional Development
Kerrie Gorfin
We are committed to offering learning and development opportunities to everyone at all levels of the organisation. Through our Continuous Improvement Training Programme, employees have access to a range of online and in-person courses covering topics such as people management, mental health awareness and diversity & inclusion. Line managers and their team members can then identify suitable opportunities for the professional development of their teams to continue to nurture talent within the business.
“I feel privileged to be nominated to participate in the High Potential Programme 2022 /2023. Along with my fellow accomplished colleagues, I look forward to working with the senior leadership Team to progress my leadership skills and gain an in depth understanding of the business. Personally, this informative structured programme will expand my knowledge and capabilities and assist me to achieve my career development goals.”
High Potential Programme This course is designed to help teaching them all the necessary skills and undertaking workshops with existing managers from within the business. This allows employees to have a real hands-on approach that will benefit them in their future role and ultimately go towards the success of their managerial style. support people within the business in becoming successful future managers,
Ashraf Miah
Being chosen to be part of the Bunzl High Potential Programme in 22/23 was a great honour and emphasised the faith my manager and the senior leadership team had in me. I was part of a cohort of exceptionally talented individuals from across the Bunzl Safety and Cleaning Divisions, many of whom I had not had the chance to previously work with. The programme allowed me to develop strong professional relationships with these individuals, through masterclasses and projects where we brought out the best in each other. Through the programme, I also experienced the many key functions that make up Bunzl, which included dedicated learning sessions led by senior leaders within the company. These sessions allowed me to engage with experts in their respective fields and gave me a better understanding of the wider business outside of my current scope. The many aspects of the programme have allowed me to expand on my current skillset, as well as develop a wide variety of new skills, and I look forward to the opportunity this programme has provided to advance my career further.
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