Greenham Sustainability Report 2022
Waste Management At Greenham, we recognise the importance of reducing waste in the supply chain. We are looking at packaging use and materials throughout the supply chain to understand how we can reduce waste and promote the use of more recyclable and reusable packaging solutions. We currently reuse our inbound packaging for outbound deliveries to keep the material in use for longer and reduce waste in the supply chain. In 2021, we successfully removed single-use packaging from our range of KeepSAFE ® gloves by replacing the plastic bags with recyclable header cards, preventing around 2.2 million pieces of single-use plastic from entering the supply chain every year. In 2022, we swapped our plastic packaging tape to a recyclable water-based gum paper tape, preventing over 4,000 kg of single-use plastic entering the supply chain and ultimately ending up in landfill.
SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING To reduce our impact on the environment, we’ve replaced our glove packaging with recyclable card Over the next 12 months the switch from plastic to sustainable packaging will prevent
2.2 Million pieces of plastic entering the supply chain
Greenham Paper Tape
As part of the Bunzl Sustainability Strategy, responsible supply chain is one of the key themes. This requires us to commit to becoming a responsible supplier to our customers. Across the business this has manifested in many ways, but one simple yet effective change is in our packaging operations. Many of our Service Centres across Cleaning & Safety have made a change in their packaging process by swapping plastic packaging tape to a paper gum-based tape. Some sites have taken a step further and invested in machines that provide their operators with pre-cut lengths of paper tape to save time and increase efficiency by reducing waste. Across the board, all sites have seen savings in both cost of consumables and plastic waste. Our Wednesbury site that serves our NSS, Lee Brothers, Protec and WBT orders has seen the greatest savings of all. Since investing in 5 tape machines and make the swap to paper tape, the site is expecting to total savings on consumables per annum of £2,770 and 1,005kg of plastic. The individual savings of each Service Centre are dependent on the volume of products processed at that site, however the average annual saving per Service Centre is 219 kg of plastic. If all Service Centres within Greenham make the swap, we could be saving over 4000 kg of plastic alone – the equivalent weight of two rhinos.
Want to know more about our Plastic Use Reduction? Click Here
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