Greenham Sustainability Report 2022
Waste Management Across our Service Centres, we have challenged the way we secure goods to pallets to reduce our use of hard-to-recycle pallet wrap. During 2022, we set up trials for pallet wrap alternatives that included reusable pallet nets, reusable pallet straps and paper strapping. Safe and secure delivery is our number one priority, ensuring our delivery drivers are kept safe and our customers’ goods are secure, which is why we have found there is no single solution. We work with our customers to find the best alternative that suits them, and in cases where no alternative is available, we have swapped our 100% virgin pallet wrap to a wrap with at least 30% recycled content. Partnered with an automatic wrapping machine, our Midlands Service Centre alone has reduced their plastic consumption by 1020kg a year. As we head into 2023, we will continue our trend of reducing single-use plastics from both our products and operations. We also work with Community Wood Recycling (CWR), who collect our wooden pallets for reuse and recycling. CWR work to support the circular economy by taking disused wood and finding the most appropriate route for the material, either upcycling the wood into new products, processing it into firewood or recycling it into woodchip. This way, all of the wood collected is able to re-enter the supply chain. As well as saving resources, the CWR scheme helps change lives too; in 2022, they collected over 24,000 tonnes of wood, provided 10,637 days of training and saved 10,000 tonnes of CO 2 .
Card Banding Trial Method
Reusable Netting
3.0 tonnes saved
5.3 tonnes rescued from the waste stream
In partnership with
With Community Wood Recycling, EVERYTHING we collect is reused or recycled - nothing is returned to the waste stream. Reusing wood is 10x more efficient than harvesting, milling, and transporting virgin wood. Even our collection methodology saves carbon! Our 3.5 tonne collection trucks use less than half the fuel of a skip lorry, greatly reducing CO 2 emissions, pollution, and the impact on the road. With every tonne of wood we collect from your
0.1 people trained
Reusable Pallet Box
Reusable Banding
0.1 paid jobs created
Click Here to view our Community Wood Recycling Social and environmental Impact Report
Working together to save resources change lives 01 Apr 2023 - 30 Jun 2023
site, we are creating work and training opportunities for disadvantaged people - CHANGING LIVES for the better.
Community Wood Recycling is a network of social enterprises collecting and reusing waste wood in the most environmentally beneficial way while creating jobs and training for disadvantaged people. Our service is based on the principles of the circular economy; by saving wood we are building a more sustainable society. We promote community reuse, one of the most powerful tools available to fight waste. This labour-intensive activity provides a wide range of disadvantaged people - including those recovering from substance abuse or from mental health issues, people with learning difficulties and ex-offenders - with a way to build their confidence and self-esteem. They are able to learn new skills, helping them to overcome barriers to finding employment. Impact estimates are calculated based on the volume of wood collected and the total network social outcomes during the year of collection. Find out more at
4.1 tonnes recycled
0.0 tonnes firewood
1.2 tonnes reuse 23% was pushed up the waste hierarchy into REUSE ; used by the community for DIY/ building projects, or made into a whole range of beautiful products from bird boxes to dining tables.
77% was sent for RECYCLING into woodchip, used in the manufacture of particleboard, animal bedding, or as carbon neutral fuel in power stations.
0% was processed into FIREWOOD and KINDLING for local homes and businesses, helping to displace fossil fuels, reduce carbon emissions, and create paid work.
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